The next morning, bright and early we headed off to the Great Barrier Reef to go snorkeling and scuba diving! I was really excited about this part, I almost forgot that we were doing this! We walked to the harbor and got on our boat. It was a huge boat and really nice. We all crammed onto the deck to get some sun. Then something rare happened. I got sea sick, it may have been a combination of being hungover and sea sickness but it was bad! I was so miserable, I tried sleeping up on the top deck, inside in the cabin and out on the bow. The bow was the best, but there was no where to hide from the sun. I never get sea sick, I love being on boats! I was kind of embarrassed about it. Then we got there and I was told that because of my sinus problems that it was recommended I don't scuba dive, which I think is a load of crap but they have to cover their butts. That's okay though I still got to snorkel and it was truly amazing! We were only at a small part of the reef but still, it was amazingly vibrant coral and some of the most beautifully colored fishes I have ever seen. It was just how I imagined it and think it could be one of my favorite places I have ever been. I wanted to see more, I wanted to see the whole reef! This is something I will remember for my entire life!
That night we did a Pub Crawl on a double decker party bus! This was heaps of fun but kind of silly because Cairns is a small beachy town and all the bars were seriously one or two blocks away! But we drove around pumping music and having a good time. I think we did a total of 5 bars and there were some awesome drink special, 2 for 1s and half priced drinks. We were getting drinks for $2.50 AUD. Also at each bar there were silly competitions that were good fun to watch, I didn't participate in any but a lot of my friends did, they also won a few of them!
The next day we got to sleep in, till 10! whoo hoo! and then we climbed back on the party bus (we rode this bus everywhere, even on the high ways, and naturally we made a scene everywhere we went) We drove over to a small town and arrived at Trinity beach. So beautiful! There were some amazing condos that lined the beach and one day I hope to have one of them! The beach was so quiet and relaxing. It was an incredibly hot day so we all layed in the shade and took naps, relaxed and ate coconuts we knocked out of the trees. Courtney and I walked into the town and had an amazing lunch at a little outdoor cafe. We got the Fisherman's Basket, that came with calamari and calamari rings, a large piece of fried fish, shrimp (prawns) and some other unidentified fried item of fish that neither of us recognize and were too scared to try. It was nice to have some fresh seafood,yumm!
Then came what we are all dreading, our last night! We had a pregaming party in Mouses room where Matty made "the elbow" because "its stronger than a punch" and in it went 6 boxes of goon both red and white, 3 bottles of vodka, 3 bottles of champagne, 3 bottles of Malibu and some orange juice. He wasn't kidding when he said it was strong than a punch! We polish off the elbow and hung out and recapped on highlights of the trip, took heaps of pictures, and got one of the girls to sing for us all. She was amazing, it gave me chills! She even has songs on Itunes. Then we went one last time to the WoolShed, where awards were given out to some of us. I got one and I turned incredibly red! We had a great last night and were all sad when it came to an end.
The next morning everyone dispersed and it was difficult to say goodbye because everyone was leaving at different times. We however booked our flight for the afternoon, so we had nothing to do all day. But it was nice we went out to brunch with our new group of friends and then we said our goodbyes. This was sad because by the end of this trip we felt like we had know them all our lives, but on the bright side were going to visit them in Melbourne in a few short weeks!
We get to the airport early and are ready to go! Then we run into a problem, Andrea finds out that she is not booked on the flight, she by accident booked it for a week from the day we were leaving! This was a disaster!Unfortunately she had to stay another night and fly back the next day. Nothing like a bit of drama to end our trip!
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