It was so action packed I don't know where to start and how to even do justice to the experience. Im going to try but I'm splitting it up into chapters so I don't write 10 pages in this post! And I have some amazing pictures as well.Sunday morning at 4am we set off to the airport. We each brought a LARGE suitcase packed full. I was so tired on the flight I fell asleep immediately after sitting down, I didn't even get to put my seat back. We arrived in Brisbane and we were cutting it close to our meet up time with the trip. We are greeted by a guy running around the terminal with a blown up Kangaroo asking "are you one fish two?!?!" we then ran to the bus and we were the last ones (we were an hour late...woops) Since we were late we had sit scattered around the bus, but this way we got to meet some of the other people on the trip.

Our first stop was to the Australia Zoo (aka Steve Irwins Zoo) I was really excited about this part because me being the nerd that I am love zoos and love watching the crocodile hunter! I got to feed an Elephant a banana and he slobbered all over my hand..still pretty cool. We saw all the crocs and gators! We then went to the crocoseum and watched Terri Bindi and Bob feed crocs, they also brought out a HUGE anaconda and all types of birds.
We then hopped on the bus and took a long bus ride to Harvey Bay to stay at our first hostel. We had a booze cruise in the harbor and we all got a chance to meet each other and relax a bit. And we got to know our tour guides a bit better. Matty and Mouse are two of the craziest guys I

Next day we headed off the Frazier Island. Unfortunately it was raining and a yucky day and we were all tired from the festivities of last night. We took an hour ferry over to the island which we all fell asleep on. We then got on a bus that was suped up on some crazy off wheeling tires and took off into the rain forest. We were bouncing around on the bus made me think of ace ventura. Funny thing was that every time I got on that bus I couldn't help but fall asleep, it was soo soothing. We went to two lakes that were made of only rainwater and it was beautiful. Every time we got out of the bus it started to rain tho and so we sat on the beach miserable in the rain. I packed a rain jacket, and of course I left it home this day (after that day I brought my rain jacket with me every where we went...even on the hottest days) Some interesting facts about Frazier, it has 7 of the 9 most deadliest snakes (including the deadliest), the island has tons of dingos and there are heaps of attacks, also the beach is the most dangerous place of all...its a shark breading area and if you are in knee deep water you are at risk of being attacked by a shark. Also the beach is a registered highway so there is no sunbathing there but that's okay because it rains 250 days in a year here. What a lovely place :)

At the end of a lovely day on Frazier we got back on the bus for an epic drive. Instead of staying at a hostel and loosing a day to travel we drove 12hours through the night to our next destination. We stopped every four hours and stretched our legs and got snacks. Naturally sleepin on the bus was uncomfortable...so I slept on the floor, wasn't too comfortable but atleast I got to stretch out and get some sleep. We also watched Role Models and that gave us some good laughs...this bus ride reminded me of the days of teenscape and all the bus rides we took, I miss those days :)
Next chapter- Whitsunday Islands and South Mole----check back soon :)
I love your blog, Momo....and you too. xoxoxoxoxo