After our epic drive to the Whitsunday Islands we wake up to a wonderful gourmet breakfast...Mackers (McDonald's) yum. Its a beautiful day and the scenery is breathtaking. We store our big bags and pack 3 days worth of clothes and wine. We thought it would be nice to take a shower at the place we were storing out bags at the Koala Adventures...but when we arrived at the bathrooms and showers we were overcome with a stench and found some hefty frogs chillin out in the showers...needless to say, there was no showering for us, in fact it was so gross that we changed out side under the cover of each others towels and the next chance I got, I washed my flip flops of in fear of a disease!
After that debacle, we headed down to the dock where three yellow jet boats were waiting for us. We were given stinger suits and packed our stuff tightly away and then we took off. Our boat boys were Ben and Ben, easy to remember and they were nuts. As soon as we were of the marina we off doing 360's and catching air off the other boats wakes. We would catch up with the other boats and try and splash them, and they would do the same to us. After racing we stopped to go snorkeling! We had to wear these sexy stinger suits because its stinger season. They were basically long sleeves and pants wetsuit. It was pretty cool, we saw some cool fish and coral. We all looked pretty funny in the water because the gave us noodles to help keep us afloat and there were tons of us clumped together with our noodles sticking up in the air.

We jumped back on the boat for so more racing and splashing, we went to White Haven Beach and it was soo beautiful. But of course it starts down pouring when we get there. Unlike Fraizer Island we decided to make the best of it. We all grabbed our bags of goons and jumped out of the boat. The beach was beautiful with white sand for miles and beautiful clear blue water. We goofed around in the water for a few hours, drained our goons and froze our butts off! We were getting pelted with rain and every ones lips were turning blue and our teeth were chattering. Then Matty and Mouse would throw some fish food at us and these HUGE fish would em

We then arrived at our resort that we would call home for the next three days. South Molle Island and it was beautiful, we had it all to our selves. We found our little cabins and dropped our stuff to explore. There was a pool, bar, cafe, dinning hall, and gift shop. There was also a golf course too. The second day we were there it rained all day, so we sat under the cabana and drank pitchers of beer, played cards and just talked about everything and anything. Occasionally someone would get tossed into the pool, and Matty put one of our bathing suit cover up dresses on. Fun day of just relaxing in the rain.
Our last day was a beautiful one and thank goodness because we spent the day sailing around the Whithsundays and it would have been miserable if we had more bad weather. Luckily the sun was out and it as HOT! we camped out all over the boat and got some sun. Again we stopped to snorkel at another beautiful spot. We did a bit of snorkeling and then swa
Unfortunately a wonderful day ended on a sour note. When we got back to the main land to get our luggage we had stored for the last few days, some people found that their stuff had been gone through. Then heaps of people realized their ipods were missing, and some girls laptop was taken too! While everyone was filing police reports our friend Alix tripped on a curb and gashed open her knee...It was soo gruesome, most of the boys were freaked out about it. It was almost down to the bone and there was blood everywhere! I of course had to stay away in fear of passing out! She was such a trooper tho she didn't even cry until she realized that she would be holding up the group! She had to be taken away in an ambulance and got 7 stitches in here knee. But she rejoined the group later that night with a smile on her face.

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