If I pick up any Australian lingo I want it to be the phrase "no worries" which they use as a response to thanks or "cheers".
Speaking of no worries, that really is the lifestyle here. Today we spent the day at Bondi Beach again. We took the bus and walked around the beach town to find some food. We ate at Bondi Fresh which was amazing! I had a schnitzel sandwich (which is basically fried chicken with cheese lettuce and mayo) It will probably be my dinner too :)
Bondi beach is amazing! Today it wasn't really crowded but that's because its Monday and people were at work, which I forgot people have to do that! I'm so not in the real world here its more like paradise. I was really proud of myself I went into the water for the first time today. I went all the way up to my knees! I'm still terrified of the water and all the things that can kill me or eat me. I got some good sun today, and yes mom I wore sunscreen!
mo! good to hear you are conquering your fear of water! ha... probably a good thing considering you are in Australia. miss you!