This weekend since I have all this time off I went to see one of my besties Kiera at Roger and Williams in RI. Its a cute little beachy town, I bet its beautiful there in the summer.So much fun. She lives in this tiny little house that is nicked named the "dollhouse" and it really is! Its a two bedroom with one bathroom, and the living room is upstairs since downstairs is really only the kitchen and Kieras room. Her roommate and friends were really cool too. She also lives with her cat Oscar...he has one eye...but im allergic...that sucks.....anyways we partied hopped Friday night and I was wearing the cutest heals...but....we probably walked like 100 miles and my feet were hurtin!! Kiera and I are some of the biggest losers I know and are easily entertained, we had a BLAST with the macbook photo booth. We are great at embarrassing ourselves!

Saturday night we went to Brown University, our high school friend Matt plays football there and is in a Frat. So we went to go party with him, we didn't know what we were getting into! It was a marathon of drinking....we went out to dinner and polished off three pitchers of Bud Light then picked up a few 12 packs and drank at the frat. Matt is seriously like BMOC and has some cool frat-tastic friends....then we went to a highlighter party and drank some more then went to some bar thats underground and hot and sweaty...matt ordered shots of Gold Schlagger for the three of us...seriously who orders that? lol then to top it all off we went back frat and drank with all the boys till the early morning. We woke up and had some greasy bellybombs aka bacon egg and cheeses (my favorite) then kiera and I went back to her place and slept the rest of the day!
My trip wasnt over yet...Sunday night I drove to Boston to see my oldest sister Erin. I got there around 8 and I was still hungover and she was too. We were just two peas in a pod all hungover on the couch watching Shrek and addressing and stamping Save the Date cards with her fiance John Paul. They apartment is soo cute she has such good design sense...so does baggie....I hope that when I have my own place I can pull the cuteness off. Erin and I had breakfast together. It was fun chit-chatting about wedding stuff...im excited. I cant wait for wedding time!
okay gotta go BACHELOR time!!! woot woot!
13 days until Australia!